Sunday, November 4, 2012

Painting Stained Glass Pictures

This is my most impressing picture! I made it once I had learned the basics of painting stain glass picutres. There are shortcuts that make this a simple way to create beautiful pictures. Just go to the painting stain glass gallery for tips.

Giving Antiques a new look for home decor.

This an old window pane I found at an atique store. I printed sepia tone family photos onto transparent photo film and burned the edges. Then going into vintage clip art I printed borders, flowers and butterfiles. Glued dried flowers and added metal adornments.
  These are pictures of a steamer trunk I found at a secondhand store. I bought Antique Craclkle kit at a craft store and painted it to match my home decor. Then I found metal brackets and adornments, hammered them onto the trunk. The 1st pic is front 2nd is back