Painted Stain Glass Pictures & Tips

I am going to show you my beginner pictures and then others as I progressed. First I learned that the quality of paint is very important. The best is  Pebeo Vitrea 160  you can order them online at Blickart. The Gallery Glass Paint sold at craft stores is too much like a latex and the colors are not as vivid. It is a good way to start out using they're designs and the paints are lower cost to get started. But it is more like a stick onto the glass type of art.
The more vivid colors is Pebeo which you can use eyedroppers or very small bottles with tiny applicators. The best trick I found was using Black Sharpee waterproof pens to make the outlines instead of liquid lead.  You can find pictures on line, copy it, and then enlarge it to the size you want and print it. The other tip I have is find picture frames with the glass and make sure that on the back you can easily get the glass out. I find them at second hand stores for a dollar and up. 
Tape the picture you printed up onto the back side of the glass, then using the black pen draw the outlines of where the color will change. Go over the lines twice so it is raised enough so the paint when applied won't run.
The grape pictures I used half cut colored glass,  I dropped stain first then placed the glass marble onto it to darken or change the hue of the colored glass. I found border stencils and outlined the designs with the pen then I dropped black stain. So that's it! Start out simple and then graduate.



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